The routes we propose here have been designed for different levels of fitness. They run on roads open to traffic and, although special care has been taken to identify traffic-free roads, the safety of the cyclist is first and foremost the cyclist’s own responsibility.
We emphasize that it is essential to comply with the traffic rules by respecting traffic lights, priorities, avoiding occupying the entire roadway, as well as all the rules that are not only mandatory but also dictated by common sense. Remember that to be respected by others, it is essential to respect others.
In case of existing cycle paths, even if they are not mentioned in the text, it is mandatory, under the traffic rules, to use them. In the creation of the GPS tracks of these routes, the greatest care has been taken to use existing cycle paths. However, it is possible that the tracks are sometimes not matching them because the cyclie paths are extremely close to the motorway or have been recently created and did not exist at the time of designing the routes.
Many of the cycle paths are shared with pedestrians who, although they can sometimes be unruly and invasive, are the weak link in the chain, just as the bicycle is weak in relation to cars on the road. Therefore, please mind the pedestrians.
The roads indicated are normally open to traffic and the cyclist does not have any right of way other than that provided for in the traffic rules. It is therefore advisable, particularly when rolling downhill, not to force crossings and/or run unnecessary risks. Even if you are in the right, in the event of an accident with a motor vehicle, it is always the cyclist who gets the worst of it.
It is advisable to use warning lights (possibly flashing) to make your position clear to other road users.
The start locations indicated generally provide parking facilities, but there is no guarantee that parking will be free of charge, that there will be spaces available, or that your vehicle will be safe from break-ins and/or damage.